How old will you turn in 2024? Are you approaching a new decade? A milestone? I am just days away from turning 61. BORING. 61 is neither here nor there. 60 was exciting. A brand new decade. Anticipated. Expected. 61 is just 61. 61 doesn’t feel like anything too special. It’s just another year along that increasingly speedy road to 70. 70!
So I’ve decided to spice up these next 10 ten years with a PERSONAL PROJECT entitled 70before70.
This project will include finding 70 meaningful things to add to my life BEFORE I turn 70. I hope to write about them, share them and have you join me with stories about your own experiences with __before__ (fill in your age). They don’t have to be outlandish or expensive or difficult - I’m simply wanting to be more aware of the many opportunities that come my way. I want to watch for them, list them, check them off and feel gratitude for being alive another day, another week, another year.
I’ve selected seven categories to make the project manageable with a little more purpose. My plan is to have FUN, PURSUE, REVIVE, FIX, CREATE, REFINE AND REMEDY a whole swack of stuff before I turn 70.
Are you heading into a new decade or is a new one creeping up on you? Perhaps 30before30 or 50before50 or even better, 90before90? I’m hoping to push a few boundaries, learn some new things and discover all the joy life has to offer.
I have created a template - you can switch out my 70 for your 20before20 or 40before40 or 35before35 or whatever you like! I’d love to hear about your adventures as you live your life and find yourself appreciating another day of actively living, learning and growing older.
